Struggling with math has serious effects on students' self-esteem, confidence, and future academic success. The good news is that we've cracked the code. Muzology helps students spend less time studying, get better grades, and actually enjoy math more! In one study, students doubled t
Struggling with math has serious effects on students' self-esteem, confidence, and future academic success. The good news is that we've cracked the code. Muzology helps students spend less time studying, get better grades, and actually enjoy math more! In one study, students doubled their grades in just four weeks. In another study, 99% of students increased their math scores after using Muzology over the summer. Students regularly earn perfect 100s on math quizzes after just one session on Muzology.
A transformative curriculum with everything teens need to discover, explore, build skills, and curate their professional story — all in one place. For schools, teachers, and teens.
Partners in Change offers one-to-one volunteer coaching for people in need as they build turnaround strategies for themselves and their families.
Rather than create a new addition to the crisis service model, PIC applies coaching's proven strategies to under-resourced adults, enabling individuals to self-empower and change the trajectory of their lives.
Communities In Schools + Head Start + Sesame Workshop Collaboration
Contentment Foundation + Communities In Schools
Leadership Foundations + Charity to Change
CIS Site Coordinator in Every High Poverty School In America
Community Wide Integration and Coordination of all Service Providers in Every Community
Access to Quality Education for all Children in America
Site Coordinators Supporting Students in 2 Year Colleges to Stay In School and Graduate
Revised and Updated Edition of The Last Dropout: A Model of Educational Equity by Bill Milliken with a foreword by President and Mrs. Carter
The story of Bill Milliken’s journey from an affluent Pittsburgh suburb to the streets of Harlem and the Lower East Side of New York City in the 1960s, on to communal living in Georgia in the 1970s. He struggled with an undiagnosed learning disability in school, believing he was dumb and had nowhere to go. He found his calling doing street work with homeless, addicted, and other at-risk teens in the turbulent ’60s and eventually
influenced multiple presidential administrations in Washington, D.C.He founded Communities In Schools in 1977.
The first graduate of CIS of Atlanta, Reggie's life was transformed through the power of relationship, He went on to be awarded by President Reagan and to speak alongside General Colin Powell. Reggie is a LeaderComm board member and CEO, Foundation for Educational Success.
Your gift will help us provide one-on-one coaching to more nonprofit leaders helping them to reach their goals and assuring their critical services and resources will continue to serve those in need.
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